Lifestyle changes in society have now shifted various aspects of life in society, including from a social point of view related to food consumption patterns in society (Hermana, 1993). The pattern of consumption of foods that were originally traditional foods rich in carbohydrates, crude fiber and low fat changed to a modern pattern that is lower in carbohydrates, crude fiber but rich in fat. This research method is ex post facto, to describe, 1) traditional food consumption patterns in adolescents 2) whether the characteristic variables of adolescents include age, gender, knowledge, infections, pocket money characteristics of mothers maternal education, maternal nutrition knowledge, traditional food knowledge, mother's employment status, mother's eating patterns, and socioeconomic status including father's occupation, family income, social and cultural environment of adolescents affecting food consumption patterns. traditional in adolescents. The results showed that age, adolescent nutrition knowledge, adolescent pocket money, length of maternal education, maternal nutrition knowledge, maternal knowledge, maternal parenting and socio-cultural environment influenced traditional food consumption patterns in adolescents with a 95% confidence level, while adolescent knowledge, parental occupation, income, gender, health history and mother's employment status had no effect. Traditional food consumption patterns in some adolescents in the Bogor area are considered quite good. It can be seen from the amount and type of traditional food consumed by teenagers within one week. Consumption of traditional foods which include a variety of main foods, snacks and drinks with the number of meal frequencies that are often seen is 1 – 3 times / week
Keywords : Lifestyle, Traditional Food, Consumption

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